Benefits of Skiing: 8 Reasons Why You Should Try It
Skiing has been a life changer for me. It’s a fun way to get outside in the winter and a great way to get exercise. Here are 8 reasons I love skiing and why you should try it this winter.

I skied a bit here and there growing up, but I never really got it. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s and moved to Utah in 2014 that I decided to put some effort into learning how to ski. I figured it would help me get through winter without feeling too cooped up, and maybe I’d make some new friends in my new city.
Now 10 years later, I can’t imagine living in a winter climate without skiing. It’s been a challenging sport to learn, but I’m so grateful that I now get to experience all of the benefits of skiing.
If you’re on the fence about getting into skiing, I’m here to tell you that it’s worth it. Here are 8 benefits of skiing and why I think you should try skiing this winter.
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1. Skiing Makes You Happier
While I’m still waiting on the exact data to come through for this one, there is plenty of scientific proof that nature makes you happy. Being outside when you’d otherwise be inside is a pretty good reason to try skiing this winter.
Take for instance the studies that show how 15 minutes out in nature reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, and 45 minutes increases cognitive performance. So imagine an entire day in the mountains?
Instead of feeling the winter blues from being inside for 4 months, I always feel so happy after a day skiing and grateful that I get to be outside even on snowy days.

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2. Skiing is a Good Way to Challenge Yourself
Putting yourself out there and being vulnerable seems like a pretty unappealing way to spend your time. No one really wants to look stupid on the bunny hill, and let’s face it, being a beginner skier is, er, humbling.
I’ll be honest – learning how to ski as an adult has been really hard. The equipment and the way you have to move your body – it all felt very foreign to me when I was starting out.
But I remind myself that it’s important to break out of my comfort zone and challenge myself every once in a while. I’m really grateful that I pushed myself to further develop my skills in a Women’s Only Multi-Day Ski Camp, where I was the least experienced in my cohort. Or the time Ryan and I went heli-skiing in Canada, something I never thought I’d be good enough to do.
Every time I ski something that intimidates me, I get a big confidence boost. And over time, that confidence has transcended into other areas of my life.

3. Skiing is a Great Way to Meet People
Did you know that I met my partner Ryan on the chairlift at Alta Ski area? It’s also where I’ve met some of my closest Salt Lake City friends.
If you want to meet people skiing, you can join a group workshop, head to the apres spot at the end of the day, or simply strike a conversation with your neighbors on the lift.

4. It’s Time Away from Screens
One of my favorite parts of skiing is it’s one of the few activities that I rarely take out my phone. It’s too cold to take off my gloves so I can scroll social media on the lift, and any ski photos I try to take never turn out that good. That means my phone stays in my pocket most of the time, and I get to enjoy the present moment.
5. Skiing Is a Really Good Exercise
Skiing is a great way to train for summer hiking. Skiing is a serious workout in disguise (or maybe not so disguised — I’m looking at you, moguls!) and is way more fun than being in the gym.
Cardio, fresh air, and a full-body workout? I’m not promising you’ll be in the best shape of your life, but there’s definitely a chance.
Plus, you’ll quite literally be using muscles differently and in a new way—that’s a really good thing. Not only will skiing make you physically stronger but mentally stronger as well. How’s that for a skiing benefit?

6. Skiing Will Make You Love Winter
If you’ve been a winter-hater for your whole life, skiing might just convert you into a winter lover. Because powder days, bluebird days, and all days with snow mean it’s the best time of the year!
Loving skiing means that you can look forward to winter, rather than wanting to flock to Florida (although if you’re just not a skiing fan and flocking to Florida is your answer, make sure to check out my Florida National Park itinerary).
A big part of learning to love winter is being dressed for the occasion so you’re warm, comfortable, and dry out there. Be sure to read my What To Wear Skiing guide for details.

7. Ski Vacations Are Awesome
Not that we think you ever need “a good reason” to travel to a gorgeous place with your friends or family, but a ski vacation certainly makes for an easy excuse. Plus, the snow makes those big, beautiful peaks look even grander.
Ryan and I went on a 2-week ski vacation along the Powder Highway in British Columbia a few years back and had an amazing time. I loved seeing all of the different scenery and exploring the cool little towns.
Ski vacations are especially great because you don’t have to do that much planning. All you have to do is find lodging close to the hill, ideally with a hot tub, and everything else easily falls into place.

8. Skiing Makes for Great Memories
Some of my fondest memories are days spent skiing. One of my favorite days was skiing with a group of friends on a really deep powder day at Alta. Now I’m not the best powder skier, but it was the day I finally got why people live for this sport.
Ryan and I also went cat skiing once in Crested Butte. We had amazing conditions, and I’ll never forget those views. The experiences you’ll have, the people you’ll meet, and the memories yet to be made are worth every penny and every turn.
Now that I’m a parent, I’m also looking forward to making skiing memories with my son.

I hope these 8 benefits to skiing inspire you to get out on the slopes this winter!
What benefits of skiing am I missing? Why do you love to ski? Leave a comment below!